OINP employer job offer: international student stream Points Calculator OINP Employer Job Offer: Students' Stream Job Offer: NOC TEER Category None NOC TEER 0 or 1 NOC TEER 2 or 3 NOC TEER 4 or 5 Job Offer: NOC Broad Occupational Category None Occupational Category 0, 2, 3 Occupational Category 7 Occupational Category 1, 9 Occupational Category 4, 8 Occupational Category 5, 6 Job Offer: Wage None $40 per hour or higher $35 to $39.99 per hour $30 to $34.99 per hour $25 to $29.99 per hour $20 to $24.99 per hour Less than $20 per hour Highest Level of Education None PhD Masters Bachelors or equivalent Graduate diploma or certificate Undergraduate diploma or certificate Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma College diploma or trade certificate Less than college diploma or trade certificate Field of Study None STEM/Health (Engineering, Health, Math, Computer Science) and Trades (agriculture and natural resources operations and management, mechanics and repair, architecture, construction and precision production) Business and administration, social, legal, education, behavioral science, personal, security and transport services, social work and related programs Arts and humanities, business, humanities, arts, social science and education (BHASE), programs and programs that are not elsewhere classified (n.e.c) Canadian Education Experience None More than one Canadian credential from an eligible Canadian institution that takes at least one year to complete on a full-time basis One Canadian credential Official Language Ability None CLB 9 or higher CLB Level 8 CLB Level 7 Below CLB Level 7 Knowledge of Official Languages None 2 Official Languages 1 Official Language Regional Immigration: Location of Job Offer None Northern Ontario Other areas outside GTA (except Northern Ontario) Inside GTA (except Toronto) Inside Toronto Regional immigration: location of study (where you physically attended classes) None Northern Ontario Other areas outside GTA (except Northern Ontario) Inside GTA (except Toronto) Inside Toronto Credential was completed without physically attending (in-person) classes I have a valid work permit. I have been working 6 months or more in a job offer position. I make $40k or more earnings in a year. Calculate Points × Total Points: 0